The minahrepxzxz of afiq's wedding. K no, I'm very protective of all my cousins, and I don't know why throughout the time I was there, I couldn't bring myself to be happy for him at all. Not even for a split second. Why, I hate the girl's side bunch of minah's married to our side. I don't know why I tend to over think things, seriously. I then make vast decisions due to that over thinking. Which will eventually hurt the people around me, but I just don't know. I think Im better off alone, for now. New year , same shit different year. Same bullshit over and over again. OHHHH AND FOR NEWYEAR'S, know what my parents got me, they got me a big "We're are going to lose the house, we have to shift" wtf. Fucking spoil my mood, we fucking rented the room already where could all off daddy's money go to. Got a feeling I have to contribute to the fucking house when that fucker don't do shit. ALWAYS, tadaaaa same shit different year. It NEVER changes. So why even bother. fuck.