i found this guy , and his so super haute . I melt everytime i see him smile with that dimple of his , gawddd . Too bad i cnat post his video here . damn-ed .
anyways , i woke up today morng clucthg my stomach , it was so painful i wish i could just stab myself . ughhh , 'shuts eyes tightly' text baby , tellg her i was home .
fortunately she decided to entertain me for awhile until her medicine kicked in and she herself felt sleepy , and talked about stuff that set thorns into my heart . 'sighs deeply' i deserve this ? laahhhs , im bloddy bored, but i MUST MUST studyyy , come on syimaaaa .
i prefer silence rather then words . id sleep just to numb everything cause it's the only remedy i know that isn't 'wrong .
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
so what goes around comes around aye ? 'sighs deeply' i dont know if you're readg this but i really cried when i read your post . To love someone that deeply , you finally found it , love . Im in no position t say anytg , but i urge you to be strong . If not for yourself , for her . Imagine how she'd feel seeing the state yur in . Be strong .
im tellg this t people but me myself , haish . I really feel like giving up , futhermore my malay is at risk . & i got like less than a month . I swear im tryg my best , it's just that i cant do it . I swear i cant do it anymore , force myself is sometg im not good at . Bby , if only you know how strong this feelg is growg , you'd see what's burng me deep inside . Damn-ed it , i'll try .
im tellg this t people but me myself , haish . I really feel like giving up , futhermore my malay is at risk . & i got like less than a month . I swear im tryg my best , it's just that i cant do it . I swear i cant do it anymore , force myself is sometg im not good at . Bby , if only you know how strong this feelg is growg , you'd see what's burng me deep inside . Damn-ed it , i'll try .
Friday, April 24, 2009
im only doing this cause liana , you asked me too & well i cant just push you away aye ? here goes , 'raises eyebrows'
Besides your lips, where is your fav. spot to get kissed?
ouh damn-ed , my neck , 'covers face'
How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
i was in extreme pain , 'sighs'
Who was the last person you took a photo with?
ermm ? well fad . 'smiles sidely'
Would you consider yourself spoiled?
hell no !
Will you ever donate blood?
yeaa , i would if i wont faint at the sight of needles .
Have you ever had a friend of the opp. sex?
are you like a saint or sometg ? godd . 'laughs'
Do you want someone dead?
yeaaaaaa , 'imagine all sorts'
What does your last text message say?
"ehh , you know got someone sent me frenster messagae mepek sia" 'winks'
What are you thinking right now?
my never ending tons of homework .
Do you want someone to be with you right now?
hell yea i do , and i hope that she knows that im sick of fightg , 'smiles'
What was the time you went to bed last night?
rightt after i put down with mai & shirin ? around 11 plus .
Where did you buy the tee you're wearing now?
falina pass it t me .
Is someone on your mind right now?
'smiles at the thought of the person' yuupppp .
Who was the last person who texted you?
shirin bby .
10 lucky people to do this (random pick )
1. shirin
2. ama
3. liana
4. sab
5. mizah
6. zuzu
7. nadddd .
8. yusra
9. hudy
10. me !
Who is no.9 having a relationship with?
i woudlnt know , heh .
Is no.3 a male or female?
female laa geng !
If no.7 and no.1 get together, would it be a good thing?
all;s hell would break loose ! 'laughs' not going t happen !
What is no.1 studying about?
shirin ? same as me deng , haahs
When was the last time you chatted with them?
most of the just now .
Is no.5 single?
aww, yeaa now maybe . But right soon babe?
Say something about no.2.
i cant just say sometg , haahs . She extradionary , and has been my backbone ever since sec 3 . My shoulder t cry on and also my listeng ear , haute rock voice , 'laughs'
What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?
'laughs' they'd probably laugh their tummy's out .
Describe no.10.
me ? im only human ! haahs , aww and i make mistakes too .
What will you do if no.6 & no.7 fight?
weelll , i doubt it would ever happen tho .
Do you like no.5?
do like no. 5 ? you got t be kiddg , she's my sugar darlgg !
Besides your lips, where is your fav. spot to get kissed?
ouh damn-ed , my neck , 'covers face'
How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
i was in extreme pain , 'sighs'
Who was the last person you took a photo with?
ermm ? well fad . 'smiles sidely'
Would you consider yourself spoiled?
hell no !
Will you ever donate blood?
yeaa , i would if i wont faint at the sight of needles .
Have you ever had a friend of the opp. sex?
are you like a saint or sometg ? godd . 'laughs'
Do you want someone dead?
yeaaaaaa , 'imagine all sorts'
What does your last text message say?
"ehh , you know got someone sent me frenster messagae mepek sia" 'winks'
What are you thinking right now?
my never ending tons of homework .
Do you want someone to be with you right now?
hell yea i do , and i hope that she knows that im sick of fightg , 'smiles'
What was the time you went to bed last night?
rightt after i put down with mai & shirin ? around 11 plus .
Where did you buy the tee you're wearing now?
falina pass it t me .
Is someone on your mind right now?
'smiles at the thought of the person' yuupppp .
Who was the last person who texted you?
shirin bby .
10 lucky people to do this (random pick )
1. shirin
2. ama
3. liana
4. sab
5. mizah
6. zuzu
7. nadddd .
8. yusra
9. hudy
10. me !
Who is no.9 having a relationship with?
i woudlnt know , heh .
Is no.3 a male or female?
female laa geng !
If no.7 and no.1 get together, would it be a good thing?
all;s hell would break loose ! 'laughs' not going t happen !
What is no.1 studying about?
shirin ? same as me deng , haahs
When was the last time you chatted with them?
most of the just now .
Is no.5 single?
aww, yeaa now maybe . But right soon babe?
Say something about no.2.
i cant just say sometg , haahs . She extradionary , and has been my backbone ever since sec 3 . My shoulder t cry on and also my listeng ear , haute rock voice , 'laughs'
What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?
'laughs' they'd probably laugh their tummy's out .
Describe no.10.
me ? im only human ! haahs , aww and i make mistakes too .
What will you do if no.6 & no.7 fight?
weelll , i doubt it would ever happen tho .
Do you like no.5?
do like no. 5 ? you got t be kiddg , she's my sugar darlgg !

well , it's been a long time aye ? i have been juggling most of time shuffling between keepg my two budak kecik's intact t me . 'smiles deeply' i feel so at ease . Within 19 more days , 'exhales' it's actually been that long .
so basically this week i had napfa test , and it was horrible cause i sprained my ankle , so inconsiderate classmates , shirin carried me to the canteen , and held ice pack against my leg . It hurt so bad , damn-ed , the worst part was when my mum brought me to the "nenek urut" i cried like a baby , 'makes a face' i think that shirin strategy of keepg me on my feet help , thanks darlg .
im going t be this way all year .
enough of people crappg , at least if i want t get my point proven , i say it upfront , not behind people's backs .sick arse , ouh yaa and you ? i dont feel a carp for you , please stop amusing yourself aye ? It's irratatg right baby ? haahs
Sunday, April 19, 2009
how i wished i could make u dissappear ! ugh , 'rolls eyes'
you make me go through this in the first place, despite me rejecting it like a million of times, i went through it bcus of you !
freakg arse , how dare you ! how dare you push it all back at me and say that i like him ? you go screw youself . ugh!
you make me go through this in the first place, despite me rejecting it like a million of times, i went through it bcus of you !
freakg arse , how dare you ! how dare you push it all back at me and say that i like him ? you go screw youself . ugh!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
sorted it out .

parted ways with you that day , i dint even know that i could choke with my own feelgs . I never felt so low in my life before , with my head hanging low i walked home . That night , i was the girl who wished the rain would fall to cover up her tears . My mum called , i couldnt even talk but managed to sob that i was coming home , for the first time my mum panic , cause she never heard me cry in a very long time . Let alone see me cry , she wanted to know what was hurtg and how she could make it better , but how am i supposed t tell her that the thing that was hurtg me was partly bcus of me ?
you know who you are ; lately all we do is fight , they ssay fights make you closer t the person . But , why is it i feel that we are distancing ourselves from each other . This isnt the first time we broke each other's heart but why does it hurt so much . No ones in the english dictionary could spell out how much you mean t me . & now you just want t walk away ? i believe that i tried , and if this is what you want , i'd be behind you supportg you .
anddd , please dont say that we still could remain friends , cause i know that is just a figure of speech . deep inside i know that you are just findg a reason t let go .
well you , should have told me in the first place , i believe you . Remember the question i asked you ? hah . You answered me with a straight and flat no . I trusted you , as bad as she is , she did one thing right , she loved me . Infactuation is a strong word , so is your choice of words when u text-ed me . Goodluck , all the best , i hope you know that i refering t you . I hate t state names .
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

im pretty up my neck with tons of assingments , and i have to re-do my whole board of art work . I swear im stressg right now , futhermore sports carnival is on the 9 of april , shirin holds trainng everyday and im dead beat . But still when i reach home i cant rest my limp body on the comfy bed , i have to study and get my art done . damn-ed ! mid--year is in 3 weeks .
Having damn-ed comfotg tchers , makes it all worth while , tho im lagging away in maths . 'sighs deeply' but i bet shirin can close the gap .
im freakg tired , i want until you .
beachsaturdayreallyneedtorelax .
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