was restg at home , as it was a super hot day , humid too . Headed down t meet the birthday girl and rok . Just to hang out and catch up on things , plus rok felt like eatg rojak mama , so we went t get some . Damn-ed , shirin's bday but we dint do much , sorry shirin . We made rok take picts , heeh .
birthday's comes one in a year so pictures is a must rightttt ? anyways i had fun .
have to burn midnight oil , haahs . damn-ed and i should stop fallg asleep on the lappy . 'smiles'
i still feel insecure , y know ? even after all that has been said and done .All im askg for is a little bit more love and attention . That's all .'sighs deeply' edward wants t meet t study this wednesday , im not sure if i can go yet though .
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