well , this week has been hectic , classes after classes . Coursework till late in the afternoon , and when i reach home all i want t do is rest my head on the pillow and drift to sleep . But , ouhh how i wished it was that easy .
had dance camp yesterday , it was super-funnay though me and mizah was the only seniors that spent the night theree . Whenn i wanted to pee , i was just about to close the door when a huge freakg cocoroach ran into the cubicle , i swear i freaking jump onto the top of the toilet bowl . & screammm . Mizahh thought i saw a ghost , HAHAHAA . stupid cocoroacah gave me a heart attack , with those legs , and they can fly onto people , ewwww .
Night time came , we did the nightwalk , i swear i feel so cruel , HEHH . me & yaya to all sorts of extends to make them scared , gahhs* but i wasnt really scary . i made a girl cry , so i wrapped my arm around her and brought her to ms.jasmine . poor thingg , then we had the movie marathon ? i watch awhile , and headed t bed . I couldnt sleeppp , talked on the phone for awhile and played wrestle with mizah for the blanket , haahs . slept after like 3 plusplus , and woke up at 6 . pfftttt , anyways overall the camp was okayy . 'smiles'
great job you guyss .
there's no point giving myself a freakg brain haemorrage. It takes some time to let you go , and it shows , cause all we know is falling , remember how, cause I know that we won't forget at all .
this is what you wanted .
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