my fingers are numb from hours of paper cutting , i wanna finish it so badly , but if i do it too quick i'd mess it up with my impatience .
slow and steady is the way to play the game people . haahs , kay enough .
actually , i feelg kinda sad ? dissapointed , in agony . hahh , i dont even have the perfect vocab for it .
i thought that by now i would have learnt , but still i made the same mistake again and again .
it's time i really open my eyes to see who's there for me and who isnt , guess what ? you're not part of it .
gahhs * enough about u and yur crap alreadyyy .
somehow you manage to kept me without chains , and hold me without a touch .
u wont believe when i say that i never wanted anything this much .
and as i live here on my knees , im trying to make you see that you're eveyhing i need .
my gravity .
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