so atikah natasha bdae yestd was okayy larrhs .
wasnt as fun as last year though .
haahs .
sat with zuzu & khai && alan .
sumwhere far away form them
haahs .
zuzu had to go home fast .
&& i promised to sent her .
so after sending her , i met with 'Babyy at the bus stop as promised .
haahs .
he dint noticed i arrived !!
then we walk urhhs .
but i notice he keep dragging his feet & keep looking down .
so he said , 'want to see somtg funny?"
i swear i laughed like hell .
his shoe , the whole back of it came off .
haahs . so poor thing .
i asked him arr how come become like that , he said he ran all the way from work to here .
his head!!
haahs .
so he just dragged his feet all the way till near belon house there .
then asked me if he take out his shoes & walk with just his socks would anyone notice .
well no rhyts ,
i meant it's late night then , he wearg black long pants .
so hell no . so he slipped off his left leg shoe to see if can .
something then cross my mind .
i say to him , if you take off your shoes , i also take off .
so with that , i slip off my shoes && started walkg .
i tell you his jaw dropped seyy . i guess he dint think i'd actually do that .
But i did , if he was going to look like a fool , i want to be one with him . I just want to make him comfortable .
he laughed at me . haahs . so we walked home with only socks on .
&& we keep fightg , he wants to make me wet by pulling me into the puddle . PFFT*
so baddd ! haahs . i dint succeed pullg him .
But hell yeahh he did . i was just wasnt strong .
haahs .
i enjoy last night .
'kisses his cheeck' how i wish he dint have to work 6 days a week .