'closes eyes'
breathes in deeply .
fuyohhh . yesterday was so gerek . minus all the nagging && hazhim locking the comp so i cant blogg!!
HAPPY BDAE ADAM ! shessh . 20 yrs old laa seyy .
we went to west coast , we so wanted to go swimming urrh , but the swiimning pool at jurung close .
so we went west coast .
you cant swim there .
But there's like diff kind of playgrounds that you cant go to . mostly consist of small kids && minah & mat reps .
got this dumb mat rep anyhow hold my hand twice!
so damn pissed with him .
urhh .
then then me && syida&& hazhim && the rest of my cousin tackle this pyramid thingy .
it was like 2 1/2 high.
i was so scared , thus i was the last one to reach the top .
hazhim was so nice, he brought me all the way to the top .
reminded me of the instructors in bintan .
motivating us all the way .
then right got this small orange colour shirt kid a round 4 years old , throw sand at me !
i dint do anytg seyy! haahs . he chased me & my sis & dona all around .
me hair full of sand .
but he soooo cute !
so today went studyg with yusie & zuzu .
it'd be better if i don't 24/7 disturb them urrhs . hehes .
then met up with mizah , fiq, yana , ama, fullah .
went to eat .
so damn hungry .
kk .
i got damned dance practice tmrw .
Ilove my 'Babyy .
goodbye to the world which has grown so cold , which has so so many broken promises .
i wonder why did i stayed on till im 16 anyway .
&& i thought , that we could make it .
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