work-ed at suntec again yesterday , was really funn with sabby baby next table to mine . We groove-ed to pratically every song that they played , and i made a new dance . (inside joke , me and sab) 'laughs' godd , couldnt stop laughg . Thenthen after work , head-ed to lau pa sat , kak ina blanje , im glad that ama blended in with us already . heh ! Then went to the g-max , near clark quay there , sat there and all . When they started tellg creep-ay stories , me , nash and tabbs cabot to the toilet . Seriously , creepy stories . Then we headed home by night rider , i was shivering like mad . Reach home around 5 plus . Had to walk all the way from triple eight to my house . Damn-ed far , godd . But i survived , heh yay !
today was spsed to be the day . Has in really da day , that i've been markg on my calender to . But then it all boils down to really nothing , cause it dosent matter to him anyway . 'sighs'
decided to head out , met up with sissy and went to Lot 1 , by at that time tabbs text-ed me sayg that let's meet . Luckily i was around that area , so i accompanied mummy eat her lunch then head-ed off to meet them . Slack-ed around , and really talk has in heart to heart topics .
At least i feel at ease now , but results is this thurs ! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHS ! im like really freaking out .
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