well, since my dear babes already updated so shall i aye . On Christmas day , i was really feelg so bored and everyone seems to be having plans , when sab lit up my day and text me askg me to head out . I was already dress-ed but due to some unmentionable reasons i was late . Wait for ama then for like half an hour and siti an hour's time . By the time he head to town it was already like 5 plus , the later the better anyways . Me and my crazy need to see the lights , we stayed till dark , only when it's dark in orchard road , it was so bloody squezzy , we held hands . Sab took every squeese-ed up opportunity to make me squeal . Hahs . Went to eat at shaw house , and visited ina for a while . & then head out to meet nash and tab . Only they were late , again . & we got stucked outisde taka . finally found then and headed to far east walked around and nash thought sab some tecktonik moves , i know sab's really into it now . hehh .
yesterday i went out with mizah and ama , wanted to actually do our homework , only we ended up readg book . Mizah is like so fun to suap . hehh . Headed to mizah house at first , then went to eat cause i was so bloody hungry . Then ama only came an hour later , hmmph ! i headed to work and met with siti . DAMN-ED the borders bookstore . The series eplise is finish-ed . ughhhh .
i kept whining that times was much better . Gahhs . I had to work alone , again . This is so dumb . Plus , there's this guy , sara ? (yeaa , i know it's a girl's name) text-ed me and call me like a gazillion times even after i reject a few hundred . Then when wanted to head home matthew the boss there told me not to head home , cause sara wanted to pick me up . what teh hell ? i dont even know who this freaking sara is , how he looks like and still he wants to pick me up . That looney sara even text-ed me and said , i will keep callg until u bcum my freind . ewwwww .
i was so freak out that iw anted to cry , luckily i had siti to go home with .
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