HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAYY everyone , but unfortunatly my day turn into disasterous . pfft *
i had to fight with everyone aye ? gahhs * zuzu made my morng by accompanyg me to take my pay , then we spent quality time with each other . heh . Godd , the people at orchard were all like staring at her . 'smiles' told you so zuzu , you're pretty , alahai . Then in the afternn , zuzu headed out with her freinds , and i met desiress and lyd , talk-ed laughed then eat . Thenn , met nash and all , appraently we wanted to go arab street with her freinds , but the cafe could not reserve for us and all the seats were full , so yeaa . It was damn-ed boring , desiree fortunately made me laugh like shit . heh , i cant believe we are this far , but then again , you never change. 'sighs'
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