i dont fear the dark or thunders , at great heights i jump off smiling .
in the face of death , i wink . but when i look into your eyes im in fear of how much i love you .
i prefer silence rather then words . id sleep just to numb everything cause it's the only remedy i know that isn't 'wrong .
Friday, November 27, 2009
A . darlg , for the first time in my whole freindship with you i really saw you sobbed . So many times you saw me cry fr someone uncontrollaby , but this time i got the chance to see it . it moved me , and it goes to show how much you really care for that person . i know he loves you very much , please try to stay strong . you can come over if you like , i'd make sure i'll cheer u up till yur rollg on the floor laughg . cause i love you so dearly , and it hurts to see you hurtg that way . even i dont make you cry ... 'sighs' be strong my darlg .
ahhhh , yesterday was fun . went out with the apache group members , was supposed to be the 8 of us , then only 5 turned up . but anyhoots i had fun , we watched case 39 , i admit i screamed . haahs , but i tried coverg my mouth so i wouldnt , gaaahs . then went to eat but we couldnt decide between mac spicy and long john's fish . haahs , so we sat at mac until i dont feel like eat mac spicy , so we went to long john instead . bought and ate then slacked around and went orchard , to head ito ion then to borders where we tried this freakly oujia book . I SHALL NOT ELABORATE , haahs . we ask about our o's and ..... ahh shutup , so not true . then head to esplanade talk talk , and then head home , when sometg unfortunate happened , dadaaadaaa . i love you ama chillax .
love , im sorry bout last night . rember out date ? long sleeves and tied up hair ? i promise , take me there kay pleaseeee . i miss you already , 'sighs' i want go over yur place can ? eyy , but today hari rayer haji eyy , esok ? anyways know what love ? the most perfect day would be waking up to you next to me , bathe and get dress and then have breakfeast together while watchg movies in each other's arms , and when the sun sets , we would end up falling asleep in each others arms . damn-ed it , mushy .
ahhhh , yesterday was fun . went out with the apache group members , was supposed to be the 8 of us , then only 5 turned up . but anyhoots i had fun , we watched case 39 , i admit i screamed . haahs , but i tried coverg my mouth so i wouldnt , gaaahs . then went to eat but we couldnt decide between mac spicy and long john's fish . haahs , so we sat at mac until i dont feel like eat mac spicy , so we went to long john instead . bought and ate then slacked around and went orchard , to head ito ion then to borders where we tried this freakly oujia book . I SHALL NOT ELABORATE , haahs . we ask about our o's and ..... ahh shutup , so not true . then head to esplanade talk talk , and then head home , when sometg unfortunate happened , dadaaadaaa . i love you ama chillax .
love , im sorry bout last night . rember out date ? long sleeves and tied up hair ? i promise , take me there kay pleaseeee . i miss you already , 'sighs' i want go over yur place can ? eyy , but today hari rayer haji eyy , esok ? anyways know what love ? the most perfect day would be waking up to you next to me , bathe and get dress and then have breakfeast together while watchg movies in each other's arms , and when the sun sets , we would end up falling asleep in each others arms . damn-ed it , mushy .
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

CONGRATS ZUZU ! finally got a job at cotton job , must give me discount when i shop there kay !
so today was err , hectic ? yeaaa , cause i had so many things to deal with , rang mizah and got dressed in the nick of time and met here , and i thought she was going t be late . somehoe , she's never late . darn-ed it .
go grab some stuff , and got sometg for the bday girl and headed home .
shall not say what i did , for people who know shushh kay ? please ? i'd bribe you with sweets if you dont telll , 'winks'
so , Nur Amalina Binte Ariffin ( i hope i got yur spellg rightt) HAPPY 17TH BDAY ! like finally , you're the last amoung all f7 , eventhough people say you are mature then me , ughh whatever . haahs . i love you to bits and pieces , and i can never never be without you , thankyou for always pullg me through my ups and downs and being there for me for 3 years . to me , you are more then just a freinds , you're like a little sister to me . & i know that you're not good with words , so when you see what i get you tmrw just give me a hug would you ? haahs .
i love you ama .
baby , where did you go , no text or calls from you , hmms . 'sighs'
due to some unseen large bulging circumstances , i'll just say monday i had a blast , 'smiles sheepishly'
anyhoots , yesterday i went out again , it is really starting to wear me down , going out everyday . im like side tracking again , ermm so yeaa went home and saw my house gate was fully open , and the house was pitch black . slowly i stepped into the house as my eyes adjusted to the intensity of light in the house , only then did i make out a figure sitting on the sofa . my first instinct was to run , but i sloqly approach the sofa and pat the back of the person , darn-ed it my mum's voice made me jump sia . haahs , i thought she was possessed or sometg sittg in the dark , but when she stared nagging i know it was her .
'smiles' why she was sittg in the dark ? she throw hot water onto this lizard which hit the circuits thus blackout & and she say the lizard curse her , 'rolls eyes'
hazhim & me ask her to shussh while we investigate the damage , fortunately we got the lights on . but now we have to change the stove , haahs .
at first u made me extremely upset , cause it's so hard to see that you care , and when you do show it , it's just for awhile . but what you said has really opened my eyes , thankyou . i dont want that way , but i need yur guidance kay ? like you said , i'd change for myself and not for you , to be a better person . somehow , & u said that u love me , it was sometg i really wanted to hear for so long . so let's bring it back slowly , i love you .
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
aye hoots , im like feelg down so decided to render my thoughts here .
firstly , i know that you feel unsecure and uncertain about my feelings for you , but rest your little head cause you know i do .
& i hate to see you creasg yur eyebrows and trying to pretend asthough you dont feel a thing , cause i know you do .
all i need from you , is love , care and attention . show it to me , i'll give you the same and even more . cause i need you so , if i were to say why i love you so this whole blog would be filled with mushy mushy things , haahs .
like u always say , takmu emo-momo , SMILE , cause im here with you , and i dont plan to leave anytime soon , have a little faith .
firstly , i know that you feel unsecure and uncertain about my feelings for you , but rest your little head cause you know i do .
& i hate to see you creasg yur eyebrows and trying to pretend asthough you dont feel a thing , cause i know you do .
all i need from you , is love , care and attention . show it to me , i'll give you the same and even more . cause i need you so , if i were to say why i love you so this whole blog would be filled with mushy mushy things , haahs .
like u always say , takmu emo-momo , SMILE , cause im here with you , and i dont plan to leave anytime soon , have a little faith .
Saturday, November 21, 2009
and the apaches is the hottest tribe in town . haahs , i had a BLAST . especially during hot nighttt . made some really cool freinds that made red camp even more worth remberg .
went there with hashiena and ama , then we were grouped with louisse and this other girl , shoot i forget her name , but she was uper-freindly . we had to construct a sometg with a pingpong ball , it's to complex to explain , heh . anyways , our team won movie tickets ! yadaaaa . third day was certainly worth rememberg , it was so sad i wanted to bawl . darn-ed , we met the singapore idols and also had hot night which is like so called clubbg with no alcohol , haahs .
louisse did his thing on the dance floor with this 'face'while we dragged each other all over the place . see louisse , no point regretg now aye ! should had dance with me when u had the chance . 'laughs'
& he said i should take control of my 'date' for the nightt . haahs , if you're readg this dont kill me ! and take care of my pandaaaaaaa and thankyou for never leavg me alone when i was seperated frm my girls , u always had my back . & showg yur merajuk face when i say i dint need you , haahs . :) &&&& louisse lastly it wasnt my fault that i dint bring the movie tickets !
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