CONGRATS ZUZU ! finally got a job at cotton job , must give me discount when i shop there kay !
so today was err , hectic ? yeaaa , cause i had so many things to deal with , rang mizah and got dressed in the nick of time and met here , and i thought she was going t be late . somehoe , she's never late . darn-ed it .
go grab some stuff , and got sometg for the bday girl and headed home .
shall not say what i did , for people who know shushh kay ? please ? i'd bribe you with sweets if you dont telll , 'winks'
so , Nur Amalina Binte Ariffin ( i hope i got yur spellg rightt) HAPPY 17TH BDAY ! like finally , you're the last amoung all f7 , eventhough people say you are mature then me , ughh whatever . haahs . i love you to bits and pieces , and i can never never be without you , thankyou for always pullg me through my ups and downs and being there for me for 3 years . to me , you are more then just a freinds , you're like a little sister to me . & i know that you're not good with words , so when you see what i get you tmrw just give me a hug would you ? haahs .
i love you ama .
baby , where did you go , no text or calls from you , hmms . 'sighs'
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