Im sorry for not updating regularly . Myabe I'm just lazy , heh . Anyways , yesterday was greattttttt :)))))
Four major events , Ina's bday , Chinese new year , Me & Baby's anni , and of course V-day .
Went to Ina's bday , was supposed to be there at 11 but due to liana we met at 12 , she was late . heh . For the first time Ama was there first one there !Went to Ina's house and eat played , slacked until I dint want to leave . & I was later for workkkkkk .
Seriously , especially since yesterday I ran this place called Preview Lounge (PL) for short . I was alone , and seriously spooked , so I started calling and texting people to come over , first baby then zuzu and some others . Baby came after awhile , but by then I was occupied by these 4 guys which I got no idea what their names were except that they worked there too . We re-make our version of american idol and america's got talent super hilarious . HEH , instead of doing my job I was busy laughing , super hilarious . Baby became the judge with the guys while I became the host . FUNNNNNN .
Then baby went home and the guys went to catch their movie and zuzu turn up , she was getting drunk on my bar on root beer , xD
With extra ice-cream due to me , heh . So we chatted and shared thoughts and feelgs , though me and baby dint manage to celebrate v-day cum our anni properly , I had fun yesterday .
The guys returned form their movie and stayed till I closed the place . PHEWWWW*
So , basically Im having the time of my life these days . My tears has long dried up and I take extra precaution not to fall into that again . As you can see , Im rarely online , that;s one of my tactic .
SO lastly , HAPPPY BDAEEEEE INAAAA !I missed you so much . Luckily I got to see you yesterdayyy .
& to baby , happy anniversaryyyyyy cum v-day , we stood the test of time , it's time we let go of the past scars and embrace the future , just you & me .
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