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Went out with JiaHui just now , we ate at Pizza Hut and we were like the nosiest there eventho it's juts the two of us . Heh , the waiter thought we were lesbians , god .
Waiter :"Here's your baked beef balls and ermmm ... can I ask , are you guys lesbians ? Cause if you are my freind 'points at the freind' wants to get her number , 'looks at me' "
Me& Jiahui : 'looks at each other' 'started laughing'
Me : " Erm , Im sorry . I'm so madly in love with this girl here , I cant let her suffer a heartbreak by giving her 'looks at that butch' my number "
I SWEAR I COULDNT STOP LAUGHING & Jia Hui keep saying that Im so evil . YEAAAAAA RIGHTT , walked walked around like two mad people then went home cause I had to meet mummy .
The day before I had to go to this clinic called SATA for my medical checkup , Desiree is sucha dear and she followed me . As much as I love being a nurse , I cant have people drawing blood from me , it's just a phobia I have . I held my breathe as they did a series of checkups on me like xtrays , vision and hearing tests and then came the most dreaded part , darn-ed it . I couldnt bear to look so I told the nurse that I'd usually faint if I had to draw blood & SHE DID IT SO SLOW ! Till I felt the cold hard needle pricked into my skin and slid off the chair and the nurse and to hold me and sit me up straight , and she gave me a sweet . Hah , I feel like a small kiddy :) She made sure I was okay before she released me , headed to RP and watch Desiree practice . By that time my arm hurt like a hell lot and when I went home the vein was swollen and it was blue black . I couldnt bend it and I kept crying till my mum came home and held a warm cloth on my arm till I felt asleep . Now it aches again . Screw ittttttt .
I was thinkg bout baby the whole day , darn-ed it . I miss going out with you , slinging my arm around yurs and pulling you into the shops at fast speed eager to get in and look around . Debating with you whose going to get the item first since we always always somehow like the same things .Talking to you till the sun goes up about anything that comes to yur mind . & When ur sleepy you always say " Saye ?" and head back to sleep . I miss falling asleep next to you . I miss giving you massages and your budakkecik handwritting . I miss the way you smell early in the morng , I miss the way you walk with yur eyes on me as though we are sharing thoughts with each other . I miss you saying "takmo emo-mo-mo " , just to simplify this , I miss you .
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