Firstly I hope that you like what I've given you baby , I hope by now you know that you're the only one I want , need and love . You're the only person that keeps me sane . Don't love kay , I actually cried while writing the last page of the book , heh . Sick right ? Cause it's from the heart .
Well the pictures above are compilation of pictures since the first week of school till yesterday . Consists of Zanna , Ayu , Mai , Sue , Kah , Jannah , Anis . Those are form my class , but got one girl not in my class but she's not in our class but she hangs out with us like regularly , Liana . Heh , THANKS , for picking me up form the ground when I was feeling down just now .
Have even the second month into the course and Im feeling stress up already , but I'm sure my group can do it . RIGHHHHTTTT XTREMMMESSSS !? Heh .
Baby is struggling to learn POA in a few days case exams are round the corner , luckily baby's friends are patient enough to teach her since she never learn POA at all in secondary school . You're a fast learner , love , you have always been .
Life seems to be sailing smoothly these days , I love the fact that me and baby dont fight like we used to no more . YAYNESSSS , kay . I'm shagged , nights world .
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