i prefer silence rather then words . id sleep just to numb everything cause it's the only remedy i know that isn't 'wrong .
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
It's Monday Monday nothings good on Mondayyyy , 'screws face' I'm so sleepy but yet I force myself to get out out bed and head to school , eventhough I was 5 minutes late . School is tough , 'sighs' All our assignments are pililing on before attachment , help ! I don't understand why they must add on IP , seriously . So as for now , we have dance/drama one of each has to be presented in 3 weeks time . Learning Corner which means like "Barber Shop/Bakers" that stuff to be set up in 3 weeks also . Screw my life , on top of it all there's one paper that we have to sit for . I know right , just one paper . but wait till you see how thick my book is , then you tell me if you start sweating due to stress like me .
Anyways , guess what my friends told me this story about the song sephia by sheila on 7 . Apparently the lyrics of the song was given by this guy ( a complete stranger to the band) , after they succesfully produced the song , they went back to find out to see how this person is doing . Only to find out that the guy passed away a few years back . Spooky ? I know right .
Anyways , guess what my friends told me this story about the song sephia by sheila on 7 . Apparently the lyrics of the song was given by this guy ( a complete stranger to the band) , after they succesfully produced the song , they went back to find out to see how this person is doing . Only to find out that the guy passed away a few years back . Spooky ? I know right .
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Ugh ! I nearly died from a heart attack thinking what went wrong with this girl , da biase buat aku panic kan cheebye . Heh , here not counted kay , I can display my vulgarities as I wish . She say something is killing her and I was like what , what happen & she went silent . Ccb , so I called and she adjusted her voice to make it seem asthough she's like crying and ask me to guess what's wrong , dumbdumb , luckily she burst out laughing saying she misses me . If not I wouldnt have known it was a joke ! pfft *

Sometimes I get so scared , nothing is permenant in this world . Change is the only thing that is constant . I'm so afaird of being too happy only to have it beng shortlived , 'sighs' But I keep on trying I'd never know .
Lastly wherever you are , whatever you're doing , I miss you .
My best friend Amalina , sometimes we can go for days witthout talking to each other & when I'm sitting by mysefl I start to realize that it sucks big time not hearing your voice and your usual "What's up ? No no no you go first .. " I hate the fact that after 4 years we're in different school and we're working at different places . We used to do everything together it's been 1 year plus since we've graduated from sec school yet Im still not used to being apart from you . Guess you'll always remain more than a bestf to me , you grew up next to me we're practically sisters and I miss you <3

My girls my pillar of strength whenever Im down . I seriously wouldnt know what I'd do without them in my life . Each and every one of them eventhough 3 of them are not in the picture . I love the way you guys can always make me laugh away my problems , distract me from what Im actually seeing . I miss us eating on the same canteen table for 3 years . Me & Ama would challenge who can tahan eating the most spicy mee soto with lots of chilli . We would always hold hands and run to the cantten to be the first , heh , budak gemok . During 2.4 I would drag and pull Ina & Liana to run faster so that they'd pass . Going to each other's house after school to watch movies but we end up talking about heart to heart topics . 'sighs' I miss you girls <3<3
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Taken weeks weeks back , when we were watching Hangover 2 at Cineleisure. It's been quite sometime since I last watched movie there brings back so many memories . Stupid-ly funny show , most people said the show was a bore and that Hangover 1 was better but then I disagree , I think that this is way funnier despite the nudity and that gay monkey , heh . So overall , awesome movie plus awesome company . Nyeheh . We sneak in Frolick into the cinema the frozen something yoghurt didn't really go well with the toppings we choose . It's okay it was our first time anyway , 'smiles'
Why did I let myself let you in all over again , why did I listen to you only to be let down . The worst part is that I have already foreseen that it was going to happen but then again , I choose to be ignorant and went ahead . Sometimes I don't really understand why I let myself be hurt all over again , rubbing salt into my half-healed wounds and letting it bleed once again . Stupid me , I even woke up in the middle of the night texting you , which wasn't even aware of . What the hell , seriously . & when I woke up this morning and check our text conversation I saw what I texted you , 'sighs' I do miss you but I miss the old you . Fish , you even use more make up on yur face than I would wear in a lifetime . Why did you have to go changing , 'sighs' Jepon told me once , People change , feelings fade away . Sit back and accept it . Fuck , 3 years just like that . I hate you , I hate you , I truly do ; rebelfreak,berserk.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh , of all the days why did my dad's side from North India have to visit us today . BAHHS* Heh , I missed them , but then again I'll be talking about politics with them , freaking clever relatives I have . Damnnn , tak sabarnyer aku untuk esok ! AHHHHHHHH !
Monday, July 4, 2011

damnn , I swear I miss my old hair 'screws face' I won't do anything more to my hair until Raye , I promise , 'crosses finger behind back' Heh . Aku sumpah penat , wait , seriously I'm not kidding I'm so tired . I feel like a freaking full-timer , pfft* It has already come to a point where I'm dragging myself to work & Anna's my only motivation . Wake up at 5.45 , get dress , head out , work , break , home . NO LIFE .
I'm still contemplating on what to wear , bring , ahhhh ! Excited 'dances around' This week is going to be super fun , I just can't wait . My day just got better , CAUSE MY LAPPY WILL BE COMING TO MY HANDS SOON ! AHHHHHH ! Allhamduillah . 'smiles'
Which means , which means , which means , I'll take care of it like a baby . I swear :) No more over charging of the batteries . Thank you Allah <3
Alright I'm so happy right now I'm going to sleep with a smile on my face .
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