My best friend Amalina , sometimes we can go for days witthout talking to each other & when I'm sitting by mysefl I start to realize that it sucks big time not hearing your voice and your usual "What's up ? No no no you go first .. " I hate the fact that after 4 years we're in different school and we're working at different places . We used to do everything together it's been 1 year plus since we've graduated from sec school yet Im still not used to being apart from you . Guess you'll always remain more than a bestf to me , you grew up next to me we're practically sisters and I miss you <3

My girls my pillar of strength whenever Im down . I seriously wouldnt know what I'd do without them in my life . Each and every one of them eventhough 3 of them are not in the picture . I love the way you guys can always make me laugh away my problems , distract me from what Im actually seeing . I miss us eating on the same canteen table for 3 years . Me & Ama would challenge who can tahan eating the most spicy mee soto with lots of chilli . We would always hold hands and run to the cantten to be the first , heh , budak gemok . During 2.4 I would drag and pull Ina & Liana to run faster so that they'd pass . Going to each other's house after school to watch movies but we end up talking about heart to heart topics . 'sighs' I miss you girls <3<3
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