damnn , I swear I miss my old hair 'screws face' I won't do anything more to my hair until Raye , I promise , 'crosses finger behind back' Heh . Aku sumpah penat , wait , seriously I'm not kidding I'm so tired . I feel like a freaking full-timer , pfft* It has already come to a point where I'm dragging myself to work & Anna's my only motivation . Wake up at 5.45 , get dress , head out , work , break , home . NO LIFE .
I'm still contemplating on what to wear , bring , ahhhh ! Excited 'dances around' This week is going to be super fun , I just can't wait . My day just got better , CAUSE MY LAPPY WILL BE COMING TO MY HANDS SOON ! AHHHHHH ! Allhamduillah . 'smiles'
Which means , which means , which means , I'll take care of it like a baby . I swear :) No more over charging of the batteries . Thank you Allah <3
Alright I'm so happy right now I'm going to sleep with a smile on my face .
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