so todayy is the first day im starting workk .
i knwo i KNOW!.. its like darnn late rhytes ? but at least i got the job aites . so darrn nervouss!
i was like hoping zimbo bimbo would sent me!
'laughes' yesh yesh i know im a BIG gurrl now .
hmmph ! must be independent urrhs ? hee Xp . anyways Farah would be there so i don't think ill be that scared . But she ends at 5! i start at that time .. hmms.. 'thinks' weell whatevrr i eman i cant clingg on to everyone rhytes ? yesh yesh . ouhh yarrhs . zuzu rhytes she went on her F&N trip to msia .
so farah replace herr .
if not farah would be at the same time.
i mishh ama , sabbie , ina , liana and mizahh ! 'laughes' i know i know what about zuzu anns ?
well i see her everydayy even todayy .. but i still mish herr cann ?
i talk to ama n ina ystd for a while onlyy . NOT ENUFF! ..
sabbie liano and mizah hvnt yetss ..
must find thyme .
anyone wna go running wf me ?? ! sabbie ? ina ? ama ? can cann ?
i eat too muchhie ledi this holidayy . and i promise myself to start studyg again . i dono whats stoping me thoughh .. like i lazyy ledii ..
'sighes' STOOPP !
me dun cre .. tunite after werkk ? im gna studdyy ..
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