soo .. work was darn FUNN!. i dint feel like i was working thoughh .
i felt as if i playing masak - masak . hee Xp . im like the kinda the ferst production gurl . cause behind the counter is mostly guys arrhh . so my helpful helpful kind teacherss faizal and adi .
teach me the basics . liek how to do combo 1 and combo 2 . the positioning of the fries and fish and chicken . it took me a while to figure everythingg out . the staff down there are really freindly as if we are kinda family even though i only work yesterdayy urrhs.. hee Xp .
then there's ayu like me she's a traniee . at first i was scared to make freinds with herr . but in the end i thought heyy if we are going to work together whyy nott . and im gald i thought that way cause she's really nice !
i had funn like sidding around the the kicthen at closing thyme it was soo darn slipperyy ..
ahhh! .
'screams' i got work again todayy can't wait . last but not least there's ezzea i think that's how it is spelt. if not sorry ! . 'smiles'
she this cute and bubbly gurrl . hee xp . she in the cashierr at first i dint talk muchh to her arh . but after closing thyme we got to know each other a little better .'smiles'
todayy ill be train with another two person . the twins . i forgot thier names .
adi would be there but he is working form 2 - 10 and at the cashier .
hmms not at all nervouss . but im scared i cudnt sleep like yesterdayy seyy . i wake up sleep wake up then sleep again . then todayy morning got a darnn fukcing headachee! .
somemore i feel like puking seeyy .
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