got an addiction , can't stop even though it bleeds .
each time i want to go deeper and deeper .
&& yes it does take away the hurt , even if it's just for a while .
i love it , when my heart beats really fast ,while i push the blade onto my skin .
eventhough , i can't control everytg else that happens to me , at least i can control this .
it's so so satisfying . 'nods head'
eyh eyh . alright , it's been a week since i posted .
blehh . i was busy studyg ,i swear . PLUSSS , i finished colourg my bloody final art piece .
took me so long , laughg to hazhim's lame jokes helped . yayy .
alryt , i know i need to revise my chem .
i can wait .
going out with yusraa . nyehhs .
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