
ahhhhhhhhhh !
tmrw racial harmony day . im like so malas to even wear traditional clothes laa .
can't we wear western? 'snickers'
i don't why in the world im blogging though . maybe bcus im bored ? yeahhh .
im forgetg sometg , ouhh yeahh !
'smacks head' im spsed to call shirin & rok .
i would , i would .
so like today , sucks big time .
BAHHHS* feel really moodless , but din't want to affect anyone else , so i tried to act hyper and all .
guess i pulled it off well huh ?
after break , i was kidding laa . But 'laughs coverg face'
we did it , with picts .
mine was too fast though . that's good right ? i just figured that kissg aguy & a girl is no diff .
it feels pretty much the same closg eyes .
i felt so wrong that it lasted less then a split second , only enough to touch the lips .
even though , i claim eveytg is okay .
i don't feel that way . I don't know how to say it though , but even as much as i pretend evrytg is okay , it's not .
i miss the one i can sing my heart out with when im down && talk crap till three in the morning. where'd she go ? 'shakes head slowly'
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