firstly today was a blast ! 'puts hands up in the air'
was supposed to wake up at 5 am today , but i only woke up at 6.10 when my cell phone vibrated like crazy , cause i was spsed to meet my cousin & her friend nadt , at boots and shoes at exactly6 laa .
crapp thing that i was late and rushed there messied hair , half open eyed , so we rushed tehre and took a cab , but guess what we were early ! darned .
cut to the chase , firstly there was this motivational talk and all , i was like really sleepy , but woke up fully when the stupid mat rep behind me kept kutok-ing his freind .
&& it echo-ed the whole hall . dumb mat rep , i felt sorry for his freind .
me . dona and nadt were like seperated , which leaves me to makes freinds . well i can do that , right ? haahs . i made freinds with the intructors , soffi & widya .
godd , they make me laugh till i was like practically and literally rollg on the floor .
soffi , when we play street soccer , we bump into each other and run , like rugby and when we fall we just burst out laughg lookg at each other . 'smiles' then she's like ''meh , soffi angakt syima?"
'laughs' weird sia she . we exchange numbs . 'smiles'
then the concert at the end , was by live the dream people . godd , i jumped and cheered & whoo-ed till my voice is hoarse .
'testes voice' haahs . we brought the house down , i swear . then we chased them for a pict , we finally got one !
but funn laa , and soffi is & widya is the best . soffi , she/he , stuck by me evrywhere . 'smiles weirdly'
&& yaa , i did my art .
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