'mouths hangs open' 'shuts mouth before lalat masuk'
yesterday was wow , i seriously thought that everyone was going msia laa .
i got a post-celebration for my bdae ! 'laughs' super-funnayyyy .
so around like what , ten plus in the morng , my handphone vibrated like crazy ; got a call from shirin sayg she got hit by some looneys , so she asked me teman her to the docs .
i quickly got dressed and all panickg , then when i turun to meet her , i was like ,''eyh ? rok ? eyhh , inaa ?'' then ina held this big box , and sang for me the first verse of happy bdae beofre i covered my face . haahs .
i opened it and theres like cupcakes with red icing on it spellg ''happy bdae syima''
wow . haahs , i was awestruck laa .
then we went to the interchange , and i got blindfolded and had to stuff music into my ears .
then , sat in the middle of no where , without my glasses and then find them .we like played bowlg and pool , then cary tempat for buke . eventho , to you guys thought it was poorly planned , i appreciate every second of it alryt babes . && it was just too bad , that inaa had to go home first , but your presence was pricless , 'winks'
THANKYOUUUUUUUUU ! muaaaarrrrkks . i've cupkaes to last me for sixteen dayss .
&& the cupcakes was super-delish , hazhim wants some for his bdae , 'laughs'
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