went to well a place filled with sanitizers of all sorts . Was supposed to have a day at the beach with my girls , but in the end , well it dint turn-ed out so good . Anyways i enjoy my little bits and pieces today . Managed to chat on the phone with sab early in the morng , and ama a little while back . Still waitg for that gengdeng to ring me back . 'grins widely' Then , spent time with mummy , until nash text-ed askg me to go far east and meet them , invited sab and was all set to go . But then , sudden change of plans again , 'sighs deeply' thenthenn , nash rang my mum's phone like so funny laa . && met nad jsut now , i currently collected like 4 hugs form her ! haahs . eventho , it was short , still had fun , and i miss that girl . 'smiles' Lately , right i notice people been staring at me , like you know that stare when they just talk about you stare , or the stare like as though they are tryg to see into your thoughts . I was so pissed that i stared right back at them , i double check my face to see if there's anytg stuck on it , but nahh . So what could it be aye ? im tryg very hard to believe that you still love me .
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