i know it's blur , it was taken the same day i went to the it fair . well , things are different now , it cant possibly change as much as i want it too tho . So i as hell miss this people and the times we work toghter , 'laughs to self ' siti's quirky laughter , me and sab little dances and always grooving to the beat during tear down . & nash , she treatg me like a small kid , taking care of everytg and never fail to make me piss at her for treatg me like such a baby . damn-ed .
readg through past entries , ( i seriously have nothing to do) hehh , i decided to stay home and reflect on all the shitxzxzxzxz , and came up with one conclusion , i understand now what u meant , and for sure i wont hate u , i never could . I hope that you'd understand that all this requires time , and i know yur pissed . how i wish i could take it all back .
im sick of this u get it ? sick of it .
damnimscrewdupfreakglystupidiwishedidinthavetoappearinyourlifeshit .
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