Finally after what seems like forever I met up with my girls , though two wasn't present we dearly wished that you guys would come for the next one . Initially it was drizzling but when we settled down the rain stop and we started enjoying ourselves . Decided to put all my worries and sadness and my handphone away for just one day and enjoy myself . These girls seriously made my day , with their sillyness and zuzu forever making me her subject of amusement . I seriously enjoyed myself , more to come right girls ? Love you guys now till forever .
It's been whole day & you only texted one time throughout the whole day . You'd never see how much you mean to me , your not trying . I dont know why Im addicted to the song called "TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART" heh , oldie song . But I seriously love it , maybe it's bcus I've been watching too much Glee . Bloody addictive show ,
last but not least HAPPY DADDY'S DAY ! I love you daddy , thankyou for bringing me up for so many years and never even raising one finger at me before , you and mummy mean the whole to me . love you .
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