Wednesday, July 25, 2007

ouhh goshh . guess what !
you guys are suckers . hah .
you made us go crooked . till we turn into a butch or a lesbo . i mean like what the hell .
girls stead with butches or lesbians because you guys don't know how to understand us . comfort us when needed. be there . make us laugh! and not cry 24/7 .over the same damn thing .

i understand them now .
i don;t think they are weird . i respect them for what they are . cause they can't change it back to the way they tried too .

although in Islam it is against our religion . they still do it . why ? cause they can't change back dearyy .

now leave me alone. ouhh yarrhs . btw im straight . no guy is going to change me into one .

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