ouhh goshh . like seriously .
first thing in morning already , i was like crying since i could'nt get the lenses into my eyes .
fro helpg me .
i was go damn hungry so grabbed a mac muffin & whoosh to school .
my eyes were damn watery .
our class were the nosiest . like seriously .
ama got her make up done by the instructor.
&& when the instructor left us to dress up , it was like chaos . everyone running everywhere .
haahs . managed to slipped into my dress with sabbie babe & liana dalrg in the the same cubicle .
haahs . how? im not exactly sure .
then zuzu darlg & mizah my SUGAR darlg so poor thing ran all over school toilets to find us .
so sweet .
so after MAD hour was over . rushed back into class .
then then , there was a practice date . GAHHH*
people called out kian hau's name . so i was like supsed to be his date , then suddenly all my freinds were like 'SYIMMAAAA! ,CHERRR SYIMAAA'
i swear my face was reddd .
i got up , && did it .
haahs , he'ssuch a gentleman . wahhhh . pull the chair for me and everytg!
goddd .
BUTTT , my really date was adi .
so darn funny our table !!!! ahhhhhh . he pured the chilli sauce for me too much . darn it .
then im like his mum keep scoldg him . haahs
goodd .
then went out with , ina , sab , nana , shikin, faad , wahida ,liana to jurong point .
meet korrr .
watch leap years .
we liek laughed all the wayy . so darn funnn .
kor sent me home && walked with me in the rain && carry my heavy baggg.
THANYOUUUUU .i laugh so much i think im going to burst .
but sad thing is i dint get to meet 'Babbyyyy .
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