ouhh godd .
this week is fucked upp.
like hell i tell you . i haven't seen so see so many people breaking down or losing their temper all at once .
i learnt a damn good lesson . cried tooo much for the past few days . slept late at night . feel so blehh . my eyes are swelling from all the crying , dint tell 'Baby dint want him to worry .
in a damn good wayy .
everyone is fighting with everyone .
all over a small matter .
i never feel so stress in coming to school ..
prelims orals are next week .
&& mid year is in four weeks .
i really can feel the pressure now .
godd .
my GFFs were super supportive , but i know we get onto each other's nerves very easily now days .
that's why i try distance myself , before any misunderstandg happen again .
too many stuff are happening at one time .
i feel as i have to divide myself && hold myself together at the same time .
want be there for my GFFS .
&& inaa? let's this be bygones alright . 'winks'
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