&& now this is what i do , when i HAVE to stay at home and rot .
just so that i can go out on mondayy . GAHHS* ouhh mummy pretty please? 'holds head'
im always get headache if i stare into the screen for a long period of time.
i pretty much got nothing to blog , that's why 'm talkg crapp . haahs .
im updatg picts that are spsed to be here , a longgg time ago . sorry gyurls . 'covers face'
i seriously do not want to mess with this people below , 'laughs' they'd pull my hair off my head or sometg .

sissy wants to cut hair , and since i'm home , i have to follow .
'makes a screw up face' my fringe sucks , 'starts thinkg' im going to do sometg about it .
'winks' toodles .
going to force sissy to get dress , or we are going to be late .
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