sabbbbb , the one that i know since like sec 2 same time a zuzu , though we werent really super-close that time as she was with alep . we only bcame closer during sec 3 during ama's chalet where we bonded like crazy . She has this habit of clearg her thoat soem sort like that , and it drives me crazy but she still does it . She likes to smack my butt really hard and laughs with no sound coming out form her mouth . And when she's sleepy there would be tears down her cheecks . Tho she dosent show it , she does love her freinds all so much . The one that would never let me feel left out . The one that i can out till late night just laughg with .

mizahhhh , my SUGARdarlg , cause she's all so sweet , she has these habit of like making a noise with a piece of paper when she's bored or concentratg really hard . Though i dont really know her that well , i know that she likes to mostly keep to herself , and trys to hide all that she's really feelg . she's another one that like to give me hugs , which i love to the core . her jokes , priceless, they'd make you roll on the floor with laughter .

inaaa , among all she 's the one that i know for the longest period of time of four years . She somehow understand how i feel without even having me needg to put it into words for her , somehow we are not close as we used to be back then but still , i understand . the most understanding person you'd find on earth , she's very forgiving but she dosent like to forget and seh has this habit of biting her nails till it's like super-short . She gives me these super-hugs that cheers me up always . The one that would make sure im alright .

amaaaaaa , the youngest amoung us all . 'laughs' though young her thoughts are somesort matured . constanly disturbg me about every single thing in my whole life , i seriously dont know where she get's the ideas form though . the one that hangs on the phone with me at like 2 am in the morng talkg about anytg uder the moon , the one that drags my lazy arse out of the house to go jogging and to the gym .The one that makes me laugh endlessly and smile when needed . the one i share nonsencical stuff , and pratically eveyrtg with , alwyas there . askg me to ''chill uh''
cause every single day i got a new problem and every single day she'd be on the phone and convonce me it's not the end of the world . she express herself through music and makes me cry when she opens a song that totally suits my mood and wipes my tears hard with a toilet paper. && laughs while closing her eyes many times .the sweetest person you'd find on earth .

liana , liano . The one that easily laughs at every single thing , though given her ''i dont give a damn-ed'' face she's really freindly , the one that would drag me out of my mood and make me laugh non-stop about things . She's easily embrassed though that is what taht makes her so harmless . The most innocent being who just turned 16 TODAYYYY . && HAPPY BDAE LIANNNAA . the one that always disturb me about my butt and nose . 'laughs' the one that would make me share every single thing and drag a chair to sit next to me when no one else does . this year marks the 2nd year i know her , though i somesort know her during sec 1 , we werent that close . the funniest person you'd find on earth . the one i would share the most problems i have with ,as she would always try to find soultions for it .

zuzu , well i know since like sec 2 after bahar left . she and sab was the first two freinds i had form the class . we used to really close , but people change , i mean i still know that i can still go to her no matter what , you know ? she adores the colour red and is net crazy . Pete wentz ( i think that's how it's spelt) made her go head over heels . && she used to read stories made by kids form this website called quizilla . Her eyes sparkle , well it has this glow , you should see it , in the early morng and when she's tired . && sometimes when she's talkg she dosent look into your directly into your eyes , she has this habit of lookg at the object behind you . The most caring person you'd meet on earth , the one that can cry with you and our lives are somesort the same as we have same irratg fucked up brothers who trys to ruin our lives . three years of freindship .
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