yesterday was like my first day at work , and it was super-tiring . I even did OT , for the sake of money yeaah . Me and sab were lost at suntec, we were like searchg everywhere for familiar faces but there were none . Then in the end bonnie , picked us up . God , along the way we made a few friends , but it was like when we reach-ed the canteen that me and sab were like shock , the whole table filled with people from our sch , like gavin , thomas, luqman , faad, justin , and jun ren . i think that's his name , we were like wnatg to say hi and all . Luckily like the this girl sri that guided us , along . Then we went into the auditorium for the briefg only then we startg talkg cause luqman and me got seperated form the rest . haahs .
for a while , fast-forward . we had to serve lawyers drinks , like white wine , and red wine, and beers , or soft drinks . The smell of wine , is ewww . haahs . Me and gavin went like everywhere toghter , cleared the tables and glasses , but gavin always clear glasses that people were still drinkg . haahs . so funny , then we did OT made friends with those girls , mean face but kind heart . super fun , we were like laughg all the way and all . Then we headed home seperated , me , gavin and sab and this guy shared cab . Damn-ed gavin shoulder was nice . 'laughs' you dont want to know what happen-ed.
i think , im sure what i want now though it only requires time , and patience . But im willing .
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