Wednesday, June 18, 2008

it's so cold .
the world has grown so cold .
can i not update anymore ? i'll only do it if i have some sort of inspiration ,
which is darn-ed hard to have yeahh . so be it .
the baby is cumg out , like today . 'panics'
kak ayumi is in the hospital , they are keepg her there . If the baby is delivered tonight or sometg , it'd be premature . 'sighs' i'll have to go to the hospital . 'trys to smile'
i got no idea what-so-ever why im so emo-mo-m0 laa .
maybe it's the weather , maybe it's not .

syida broke my bed . 'covers face' ouhh what a sucky life i have eyhh ?
break my head also uh .

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