went out with sabbyyy . 'laughs' firstly , i asked her to tag . after like contactg several people .
was so funn laa dangg . me & sabbie had sometg done . 'puts fingers to lips' neyhhs . you guys see for yourself alryts? went to buy sometg , but it's not the colour i want ! GAHHS* so hard to find it , i swear .
then we're off to meet nad at the heeren . she was alone , i wished i had accmpany her to heeren early today . but i woke up so late ! lieka round 11.50 , so lambat right ? 'gaw drops' we watch-ed the bboys & bgirlsbreak for a while before headg home . sab went home first , i had to do some errands before going home . i swear i don't know how to choose for that item laa . i was showg nad, '' should i get this ? i don't know ! 'rubs head' how nie , let's ask the aunty ?'' 'laughs'
ouhh godd . i hope the person like it though 'crosses fingers'
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