yesterdaaaayyyyyyy was FUNNNNNN . told hazhim to spike his hair , but he don't want .... GAHHS* && yeah im shorter than syi-da happy ?
despite having my cramps . 'rubs face' aderker hazhim ask me to bring diapers ? 'makes a face'
ouhh godd the it fair was packed then there's flyers everywhere . hahzim wnet gugugagaga when this sales person talk-ed him into buying sometg . haahs , i had to grab the flyer out of his hand .
we went to eat at marina , couldn't decide where to eat .
wanted breeks , but so errr . so hahzim decided this foodcourt overlookg the esplanade . so windyyyy . && the portions right very big , i cudnt finish mine .
then we went in the it fair , i cudnt walk sey . held onto hazhim's shirt . wheeewww .
hazhim bought for syida stuff , plus he got a nike earpiece . againnnnnn .
i already pointed out what i wanted for my bdae. 'winks' let's hope he get the point . we then jumper kak ayumi in her all so weird uniform , got free drinks form her mc cafe . 'laughs' she make the nicest laa , cause i put alot of caramel for me . i offered erwina to drink , her face change seyy , she said so sedap , hazhim pulak becum weird . i kept on laughg .
thenn like so malam already , when mummy called . sayg we must get daddy sumtg , then im like whaaaatttt ? like at 9 pluss what shop open , then i rmbr late night shopping at paragon .
hit metro , found stuff . went back home , then you know what , im so grossed out by this two foreign guys , i sat beside syida, in the couple sit , then these two man , stand right in front of me , with a camera in their hand and pointg at me from my top . As if atking picture of my you-know-what . i keep on pullg my tube up . eerrr , 'makes a gross out face'
then you know the feelg you get when someone is staring at you ? well i got that feelg , i slowly looked up , and saw him staring at me . && worst of all he alighted at woodlands , he stood into of me staring at me from town . omaghhhhhh . damn perverttt . i miss my darlg , no calls make me want to puke pins . of all the time i was out , i wished he was there with me .
ilove you sweety , daniel , baniel . haahs .
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