i miss my PRINCEcharmg very muchhee ! he's coming back todayy ..'screams' YAYness ..
but what timee?
yesterdayy my family nad me were like going all over singapore for ME!..
we went to ang mo kio hub 'thinks is that how we spell it?'
hee .. by the looks of it its a new placee .
there are like soo many vacancies for jobss form various places of cousres .
the cathay is still building . i can't wait to watch movies from it . i personally prefer cathay from all the other cinemas . and i duno whhyy thoughh .
to me its just betterr .
so we went to ang mo kio hub rhytes ? to make my ez-link .
hee .
its like lostt . and ez- link is my card to freedom . it hard it we don;t have the cardd .
but then just my luck . the machine for making the ez-link are spoilt .
so we have to come back the next day for it . usually we just get it after a few hours..
so we paid and left . my stomachh grumbled for its dinner .
so my parents took us (me and my sis)
to Ramen 10 ..
yummm! i ate the ramen chicken somthingg . it was soo darn spicyy . i was sweating throughout eating it .
but serioulsy ? it was damn nice .
'smiles' me want somemore cann? hee . thinking about it i havent seen any of my freinds for a few days now . STUPIDD holidayys ! 'laughes' i want to see them ..
hmmss ..
want to plan to eat with zuhiri! but she's still like sleppingg .. dun disturb her yett ..shhhh! ..'smiles'
im going out again . later to collect my ez . and make my passportt . wee! 'smiles' soo the lecehh ..
but its is still for me ..
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