neyhs . yesterday was darn fun!yes yes it was . like hell seyy .
yes yes . went out with ama,zuzu,belon ,fiq lyiana ,zal,mizah imran ,said ,belo, megat ,adi,remi,penyu .. wahh i cant rember larrhs the rest SORRY!
we went to hey mickey i meant ang mo kio hub .
i saw my ex-staff member from LJS.
but i feel bad that i dint you know like approached them to atleast say ' hi' or something .
then went to city hall pick up zuzu and board the oncoming train to GAYlang .
the place was like soo darn PACKED ! .i held on onto ama hand i dint want to get LOST!.
then we went to the foodcourt to buke .at least got space sey . ama went to meet muhsinbut there wasn't enough space for them so they eat else where .
i gobbled down yong tau foo !me and mizah's favourite urhhs e . neyhsh .
then went jalan , jalan at gaylang . belo and zuzu want to try eat dengdeng ! guess what it was thier first time sey eating it . penyu told zuzu it was tortise meat . 'laughes'
bad sey penyu .
then walked walk went to this i don't want place make alot of commotion seyy .
the people all look at us.
haahs . but we laugh laugh then take pics with remy's phone .
but adi stupid big head blocking me seyy !
hahas ,
kk larhs . i tired ledi .. 'laughes' nyeshh .
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