rayer on the first day was darrnn tiring !. but i would like to wish all muslim's SELAMAT HARI RAYERRR .
nyeehs .
i went to my nenek sebelah bapak .
first time in 3 years seyys .
go they already kene feed with food . im getting fatter even after puase seyy .
then go to my nenek sebelah mak.
talk talk . dona wasnt there ! my favourite cousin laaa .
hehes .
then went to my auntie house . i want to take the grape kan then i terjatuh on the floor seyy . everyone laugh at me lyke hell .
so malu . neyehs .
then we proceed to my mum's godmum house so called our nenek urrhs .
form 8-12 we are there. waiting for my dad pick us up .
me and hazhim so sleepy we went into the room and sleep . but in the end we cudt sleep so me and hym end up talking .
syida tido flat glerr . the zuzu caleed me at 12 sharp seyy when i want to sit at the osim cahir down there. so sedap they massage !
hehehes .
we talked talked .
then i had to go to the hospital emergency unit for hisyam he wnat do don't know what kind of check-up .
haahs .
i slept on the chair of the hospital . we went home around 3 .
then today i had to worrk sheesh! neyehs
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