My dear sissy wants to drop art , she says the teacher keeps pushg her and out of 18 skecthes the teacher only took 3 . I smiled , I remember going through the exact same thing , constantly thinking about art . Always submerging myself in art , I remember ama saying this to me once , "Nak pergi makan lepas sekolah ? " Then I gave her a face , & she went "Ohhh , uh-uh ey , kau ader art , 'grins' " Pantat tul .
Haahs ,I remember hating being in the room . The sight of it makes me nauseous , adn i frequently get headaches . There's this guy I knew who bites his hand everytime he get migraines in art lesson till there was like this big ice-cream of pulled skin on his hand . 'sighs' I get very emotional esp if it's family matters , so I'm not brave enough to say this upfront to you syida , but you should hold on . Trust me , this is only the beginning . I cant help u , cause if I do , you'd depend on me and you'd never learn . You can , and you will .
Annyyyyyyways , Im hooked ! On Mcsundae and Mcflurry . GODDD , people have their coffee and I have my guilty pleasures which consists of icecream and chocolate . I dont know why , but when I eat it I'll be in a sing song mood the whole day . Well nearly the whole day , I need another intake of it at night . HEHHH . Whatttt , I know i cant eat it evryday , but welll . It keeps me happy , I drown my feelings in food , and you cant stop me .People say Im shrinking , what the hell . I'm notttt , its just that you guys are growg taller and I'll still be short . GAHHS*
Im beating myself up for all that Im feeling for . Fair ?
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